Pada Volume ini terdiri atas 14 artikel dengan 35 penulis yang berasal dari 10 Perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, yaitu Universitas Binawan Jakarta , Universitas Alma Ata Yogyakarta, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang, Universitas Harapan Bangsa Purwokerto, Universitas Ngudi Waluyo Ungaran,  Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, STIKES Bakti Utama Pati, AKKES Asih Husada Semarang, dan Politeknik Rukun Abdi Luhur Kudus.

Published: 2023-06-25

The Effect of Knowledge of Pregnant Women on Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dinni Randayani Lubis, Wulan Ayu, Maryuni Maryuni


Abstract Views: 94 | PDF Downloads: 75

Analysis of Transformational Leadership with Nurse Workload at the Otanaha Hospital, Gorontalo City

Sabirin B. Syukur, Febri Dwiyanto Engahu


Abstract Views: 82 | PDF Downloads: 54

Case Study of Behavior Therapy Implementation in Schizophrenia Patient with The Risk of Violent Behavior

Endang Sugiarti, Eva Dian Purwaningsih, Herdiyono, Ita Apriliyani


Abstract Views: 166 | PDF Downloads: 137

Relationship Between Baby Gym Frequency on Development In 6-9 Months Aged Infants at Posyandu RW 12 Pademangan Barat North Jakarta

Indah Setiyawati, Retno Wulan, Puji Hastuti


Abstract Views: 203 | PDF Downloads: 116

Effect of Baby Massage on Weight Gain in Undernourished Toddlers In Wasegi Indah Village, Prafi District, Manokwari Regency

Ni Kadek Muliastiti, Siti Muawanah, M. Zuhal Purnomo


Abstract Views: 69 | PDF Downloads: 57

Communication Relationship of Parents with Adolescent Smoking Behavior at SMP PGRI Bergas

Fanni Saputro, Natalia Devi Oktarina


Abstract Views: 51 | PDF Downloads: 62

Knowledge Description Complications Kidney Failure Patient Hypertension in The Village of Klurahan, District of Wonosobo

Achmad Syaifudin, Lutfianti, Siti Rochjani


Abstract Views: 80 | PDF Downloads: 50

Relationship Between Workload with Response Time at Nurses Er IGD RSI Banjarnegara

Refa Teja Muti, Zanuar Dwilingga


Abstract Views: 84 | PDF Downloads: 63

The Association of Parental Education, Economic Status, and Mother Occupation Status with Stunting Incidence on Under Five Children in Kulon Progo

Yuliani Yuliani, Arif Sabta Aji, Herwinda Kusuma Rahayu


Abstract Views: 168 | PDF Downloads: 122