The Application of Cold Compresses in Reducing Pain in Spontaneous Postpartum with Episiotomy in The Gayatri Room of Wijayakusuma Purwokerto Hospital

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Bani Apriyandi
Damar Printinasari (*)
Siti Haniyah

(*) Corresponding Author


Attempt to reduce pain and discomfort in mothers after postpartum and experience pain due to perineal injuries, one of which is the non-pharmacological method of cold compresses which is simple and easy to do. Applying cold compresses is a form of skin stimulation by utilizing temperature. Cold compresses provide the advantage of reducing blood flow to the wound area, this can reduce the risk of bleeding and edema. The cold compress method has not been carried out at the research site to motivate the authors to conduct research. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cold compresses on non-pharmacological therapy in postpartum patients with perineal wounds. This research method uses a case study design with a nursing process approach. Researchers used the nursing process approach from assessment to evaluation. The results of the study showed that cold compresses were effective in reducing the sensation of pain. Supported by evaluation results and previous research. The conclusion of this study after nursing intervention was carried out on Mrs. F, it can be concluded that non-pharmacological therapy using cold compresses can reduce postpartum pain responses with perineal wounds


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How to Cite
Apriyandi, B. ., Printinasari, D. ., & Haniyah, S. . (2023). The Application of Cold Compresses in Reducing Pain in Spontaneous Postpartum with Episiotomy in The Gayatri Room of Wijayakusuma Purwokerto Hospital. Menara Journal of Health Science, 2(2), 296–302. Retrieved from