Identification of Trichophyton sp. on the Toenails of Sugarcane Farmers
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Nails are transparent plates of keratin originating from epidermal invaginations on the dorsum of the last phalanges of the fingers. Trichophyton sp. is a fungus that can usually cause dermatophytosis. Sugarcane farmer in Blorong Ngunut Village Jumantono Karanganyar is a job that works in agriculture, especially planting sugar cane. The daily activities of sugarcane farmers while in the fields often do not use footwear when doing their work, so that the toenails easily get infected due to mud that gets into between the toenails which can cause fungal infections. The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of Trichophyton sp. and to know the characteristics and morphology of Trichophyton sp. on the toenails of sugarcane farmers in Blorong Ngunut Jumantono Village, Karanganyar Regency.The type of research conducted was descriptive observational with 20 samples of nail scrapings taken by purposive sampling with the criteria of damaged nails, dark nails, pain and itching in the nail area, brittle nails easily, and thickened implanted in PDA media. The data obtained is presented in tabular form and data analysis is done by examining culture and discussed in the existing literature. The results of the study obtained positive results for Trichophyton sp. (15%). Other fungi Candida sp. (40%), Aspergillus sp. (85%), Rhizopus sp. (60%), Penicillium sp. (15%), Trichoderma sp. (15%), Scopulariopsis sp. (15%), Acremonium sp. (15%), Mucor sp. (10%).
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