Analysis of Implementation of Government Regulations Related to Early Warning Systems for Persons with Disabilities

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Muhammad Navis Mirza (*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The obstacles faced by individuals with disabilities vary, as does their ability to obtain information. Therefore, there is a need for directed strategic planning in order to carry out effective emergency communication so that messages related to emergency conditions can be understood by persons with disabilities. However, there is no specific early warning system for persons with disabilities according to their characteristics. In this study, an analysis was carried out on the concept of an early warning system that is suitable for the type of disability in order to reduce the number of victims of natural disasters among persons with disabilities who are included in the vulnerable group. This conceptual analysis compares several existing government regulations with their implementation in the field. The method used is a qualitative approach through a literature review. The results of this study produce recommendations related to early warning systems that can be used for persons with disabilities. The results of the analysis show that government regulations regarding disaster protection for persons with disabilities already include accessibility of emergency information through media that are appropriate to the type and level of disability, but from several studies it can also be concluded that the early warning system for persons with disabilities is still not well developed according to regulations. this has become a trigger for researchers to design an early warning system for the disabled. The early warning system for persons with disabilities still has several challenges and needs improvement in many areas. One of the main challenges is the accessibility of early warning information for persons with disabilities.


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How to Cite
Mirza, M. N. (2023). Analysis of Implementation of Government Regulations Related to Early Warning Systems for Persons with Disabilities. Menara Journal of Health Science, 2(2), 255–264. Retrieved from