Relationship Between Workload with Response Time at Nurses Er IGD RSI Banjarnegara

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Refa Teja Muti (*)
Zanuar Dwilingga

(*) Corresponding Author


The workload experienced by emergency room nurses is very volatile depending on the condition of the patients being treated, plus the large number of patients and long work shifts that exceed the work capacity of humans in general are worried that it will result in productivity and stress due to high workloads. The occurrence of excessive workload on nurses will affect the service response time which plays a very important role in the ER. Objective to determine the relationship between workload and the response time of nurses in the emergency room at RSI Banjarnegara. Research methods is Correlational descriptive research method with a cross sectional approach. The sample of this study were emergency room nurses who worked at RSI Banjarnegara, amounting to 13 respondents with a total sampling technique. Data analysis using Spearman Rank test. Research Results is Nurses with an average age of 30.12 years, male (76.5%), education level D3 nursing (64.7%) with length of work 5 years (64.7%), The most dominant work for nurses in the Emergency Installation (IGD) of RSI Banjarnegara is light workload (58.8%), the most dominant response time for nurses in the Emergency Installation (IGD) RSI Banjarnegara in the fast category (≤ 5 minutes) (52.9%). Conclusion there is a relationship between workload and the response time of nurses in the IGD RSI Banjarnegara p value 0.000 (p <0.05).


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How to Cite
Muti, R. T., & Dwilingga, Z. . (2023). Relationship Between Workload with Response Time at Nurses Er IGD RSI Banjarnegara. Menara Journal of Health Science, 2(2), 265–275. Retrieved from