The Relationship Between The Consumption of Essential Nutrients and The Nutritional Status of School Age Children

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Biyanti Dwi Winarsih (*)
Nazilatun Ni’mah
Heriyanti Widyaningsih
Noor Faidah
Sri Hartini

(*) Corresponding Author


Based on the phenomena that occur, the nutritional status of Rembang coastal school-aged children is generally still relatively low. Based on data from the screening results of SD/MI Puskesmas Sarang 1 children (2023), it was found that the highest nutritional status data for students in the malnutrition category with the criteria of being thin and fat was at SDN 2 Sendangmulyo. SDN 2 Sendangmulyo is located along the coast of Sarang Beach, where the characteristics of most of the parents are traders, fishermen and have marine potential, namely the results of catching sea fish. These natural conditions really support the fill my plate program in the context of efforts to increase human resources. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between consumption of essential nutrients and the nutritional status of school-aged children at SDN 2 Sendangmulyo, Sarang District, Rembang Regency in 2024. The type of research used in this research is quantitative correlational. The research was conducted at SDN 2 Sendangmulyo, Sarang District. The sample in this study was 95 respondents consisting of classes VI & V. The results of this study show that there is a relationship between consumption of essential nutrients and the nutritional status of school-aged children at SDN 2 Sendangmulyo, Sarang District, Rembang Regency in 2024 with a value of P= 0.000. There is a significant relationship between consumption of essential nutrients and the nutritional status of school-aged children at SDN 2 Sendangmulyo, Sarang District, Rembang Regency in 2024. The better the pattern of essential nutrition consumption, the greater the possibility of having normal nutritional status. So it is hoped that various parties can increase the consumption of essential nutrients and the nutritional status of school-aged children, especially at SDN 2 Sendangmulyo Sarang.


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How to Cite
Winarsih, B. D., Ni’mah, N., Widyaningsih, H., Faidah, N., & Hartini, S. (2024). The Relationship Between The Consumption of Essential Nutrients and The Nutritional Status of School Age Children . Menara Journal of Health Science, 3(4), 608–619. Retrieved from


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