The Relationship between Parenting Style and Intelligence Emotional School Age Children

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Sri Hartini (*)
Evi Septiani
Hirza Ainin Nur
Biyanti Dwi Winarsih
Emma Setiyo Wulan

(*) Corresponding Author


One of the most important things in the development of children at school age is emotional intelligence. The process of forming a child's emotional intelligence begins with the immediate environment, which is the family and experience that the child gained from the environment around the outside of the home. Support from the family in the form of care that is applied to the child will foster self-confidence in the process of development. Conversely, if the process of child development is not supported by the role of parents then the child at school age children will have difficulty to grow emotional intelligence. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between parenting patterns with emotional intelligence to school age children in state elementary school 02 Mulyorejo Demak. This type of research uses study correlation design. The number of samples in the study of 63 respondents with sampling using total sampling. Analysis of Bivariate use chi square. The results showed there was a relationship between parenting patterns with emotional intelligence of school-aged children got a p value of 0.000 <0.05 so it can be interpreted that there is a relationship between parenting patterns with emotional intelligence of school-aged children.


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How to Cite
Hartini, S., Septiani, E., Nur, H. A., Winarsih, B. D., & Wulan, E. S. (2024). The Relationship between Parenting Style and Intelligence Emotional School Age Children. Menara Journal of Health Science, 3(2), 238–245. Retrieved from


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