Self Efficacy and Self Management of Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patient
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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease related to metabolic disorders which is characterized by increased blood sugar levels, which is called hyperglycemia. Diabetes is a health problem throughout the world. Diabetes that is not treated properly can cause complications. Complications are divided into microvascular complications and macrovascular complications. To minimize complications in DM patients by maintaining lifelong self-management behavior, self-management that can be carried out by DM sufferers includes taking medication regularly, changing diet, exercising, controlling blood sugar levels, and carrying out routine foot care. The implementation of self-management for DM patients can be influenced by various factors. One of them is a lack of self-confidence in one's health, which causes people to behave in ways that are not in accordance with their health values. This study aims to determine the relationship between self-management and self-efficacy in type II Diabetes Mellitus patients. This research uses a correlational descriptive method with a cross-sectional approach and uses simple random sampling techniques. The total sample was 60 respondents. The results of this research on self efficacy were quite good for 35 respondents (58.3%) and good self management for 38 respondents (63.3%). With statistical test results using the Chi Square test with a p value of 0.001 (<0.05). Which means that there is a relationship between self-efficacy and self-management in type II DM sufferers. It is hoped that the results of this research can motivate nurses to maintain and increase the self-efficacy of type II DM sufferers and consistently carry out self-care management to reduce complications in type II DM sufferers.
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