Description of Bulliying Behaviour in School Children in Elementary School

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Rizal Firdaus Pratama
Biyanti Dwi Winarsih (*)
Ambarwati Ambarwati
Sri Hartini

(*) Corresponding Author


The behavior of elementary school-age children in their social development children begin to be able to communicate with peers, have friends, have been able to be independent and share, while from the emotional side elementary school students can express reactions to others, and can control their emotions. Bullying is a situation where there is an abuse of power or power committed by the perpetrator (bullies) to the victim (victims). This study aims to describe a phenomenon of bullying behavior that often occurs in elementary schools and this research was conducted at SD N 01 gamong. The technique in this study used a type of descriptive quantitative research using a sample of 46 respondents. This research was carried out on March 21, 2023 on students of SD N 01 Gamong. Data was collected using a questionnaire sheet with a total of 45 questions covering 4 aspects of bullying, namely: verbal bulliying, physical bullying, relational bullying, cyberbulliying. The results of the frequency distribution of bullying behavior were 19 (41.3%) respondents in the low bullying rate category, 26 (56.5%) respondents in the medium category, and 1 (2.2%) respondents in the high category.


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How to Cite
Pratama, R. F., Winarsih, B. D., Ambarwati, A., & Hartini, S. (2023). Description of Bulliying Behaviour in School Children in Elementary School . Menara Journal of Health Science, 2(4), 671–679. Retrieved from


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