The Relationship Between Parent Parenting Patterns and The Ability of Social Interaction of Tunagrahita Children at SLB Negeri Purwosari Kudus

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Putri Eka Safitri (*)
Biyanti Dwi Winarsih

(*) Corresponding Author


Mentally retarded a condition of children characterized with their intelligence function that far below the average and characterized by limited intelligence and inability in social interactions that influenced by environmental factors, especially family, parental roles and involvements. The parents’ roles is a great fulcrum in the social relationships of mentally retarded children. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationships of parenting style with social interaction ability of mentally retarded children in State SLB Purwosari Kudus. By using the quantitative correlation method, the data used are data on mentally retarded children and the parents of mentally retarded children in State SLB Purwosari Kudus in academic year 2022. The technique sampling that is used in this study is total sampling with 43 respondents. The data analysis in this study uses Chi-Square test. The distribution respondents of democratic parenting style with social interaction ability completion as many as 13 respondents, permissive with adjustments as many as 7 respondents. While the authoritarian with the social interaction ability competition as many as 1 respondent. Result the Chi-Square test , the p value was 0.005 (p <0.05). There is a relationship between the parenting style with social interaction ability of mentally retarded children in State SLB Purwosari Kudus.


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How to Cite
Safitri, P. E., & Winarsih, B. D. (2023). The Relationship Between Parent Parenting Patterns and The Ability of Social Interaction of Tunagrahita Children at SLB Negeri Purwosari Kudus. Menara Journal of Health Science, 2(1), 140–151. Retrieved from