Relationship between Family Support and Compliance with Toddler Posyandu Visits in Plosorejo Village, Randublatung District, Blora Regency

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Sri Hartini (*)
Biyanti Dwi Winarsih
Sri Sunarsih

(*) Corresponding Author


Posyandu is the most important health service for infants and toddlers as a monitoring of toddler growth and development. Posyandu activities are carried out every month targeting infants/toddlers aged 0-5 years to determine the nutritional status of toddlers. Compliance with posyandu visits is influenced by several factors, one of which is family support. This study aims to determine the relationship between family support and compliance with toddlers' posyandu visits in Plosorejo Village, Randublatung District, Blora Regency. Correlational research type with cross sectional design. The population of this study were mothers under five in Plosorejo Village, the work area of ​​the  Randublatung Health Center, Blora Regency. The sampling technique uses proportional stratified random sampling so that the sample size is 75 respondents. Statistical analysis of data with the Chi Square test. The results of the study obtained the most family support was good 37 (49.3%), compliance with Posyandu visits was most in the compliant category 40 (53.3%). Chi square analysis gets a p value of 0.000. There is a significant relationship between family support and compliance with toddler posyandu visits in Plosorejo Village, Randublatung District, Blora Regency because the p value (0.000) < 0.05. It is recommended that families provide support to mothers to participate in posyandu activities.


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How to Cite
Hartini, S., Winarsih, B. D. ., & Sunarsih, S. . (2023). Relationship between Family Support and Compliance with Toddler Posyandu Visits in Plosorejo Village, Randublatung District, Blora Regency. Menara Journal of Health Science, 2(1), 109–120. Retrieved from