A Descriptive Study of the Implementation of 3M in the Prevention of Covid-19 in Adolescents in Wonosekar Village, Gembong District, Pati Regency

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Danang Puspa Andungjaya
Noor Faidah (*) mamiinung96@gmail.com

(*) Corresponding Author


Infectious diseases are often called infectious diseases because they are suffered through viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections that are transmitted through various media such as air, syringes, blood transfusions, places to eat or drink, and so on (Vatimatunnimah, 2013). One of the infectious diseases caused by a virus and which can be transmitted to humans is the Corona Virus (Ministry of Health, 2020). And the main key to breaking the chain of transmission of the Covid-19 virus is implementing 3M: wearing a mask, keeping your distance.This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The population in this study were 85 adolescents in Wonosekar Village, Gembong District, Pati Regency, with a sampling technique using purposive sampling, so that the sample size used in this study was 70 respondents.The results of this study found that the number of adolescents who have implemented 3M in Wonosekar village with good categories, namely 31 respondents (44.2%), adequate categories were 35 respondents (50%), and inadequate categories were 4 respondents (5.8%).From the results of research on the implementation of 3M in adolescents in Wonosekar Village, Gembong District, Pati Regency, it can be seen that there are still teenagers who have not implemented 3M properly and correctly.


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How to Cite
Andungjaya, D. P. ., & Faidah, N. . (2022). A Descriptive Study of the Implementation of 3M in the Prevention of Covid-19 in Adolescents in Wonosekar Village, Gembong District, Pati Regency. Menara Journal of Health Science, 1(1), 10–19. Retrieved from https://jurnal.iakmikudus.org/article/view/3