Pada Volume ini terdiri atas 5 artikel dengan 14 penulis yang berasal dari 4 Perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, yaitu Universitas Alma Ata Yogyakarta, Universitas Ngudi Waluyo Semarang, STIKES Cendekia Utama Kudus dan STIKES Kendal.

Cover, Dewan Redaksi, Kata Pengantar, dan Daftar Isi dapat diunduh di SINI.


Published: 2022-03-31

Knowledge Correlates with Adolescent Attitudes in Participation Covid-19 Vaccination

Mukhamad Mustain, Wulansari


Abstract Views: 139 | PDF Downloads: 104

Use of Social Media As a Nutritional Intervention On Body Image: Systematic Literature Review

Dian Yustika Rini, Arif Sabta Aji, Yhona Paratmanitya, Nur Aini Kusmayanti


Abstract Views: 484 | PDF Downloads: 344

Level of Community Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior About (PHBS) During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dewi Rafika Sari, Yuni Puji Widiastuti, Novi Indrayati, Siti Musyarofah


Abstract Views: 81 | PDF Downloads: 111

Analysis of Public Health Impacts From The Practice of Incidental Waste Disposal in Mulyoharjo Village, Pati Regency

David Laksamana Caesar, Devinta Damayanti


Abstract Views: 78 | PDF Downloads: 70