Use of Social Media As a Nutritional Intervention On Body Image: Systematic Literature Review

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Dian Yustika Rini
Arif Sabta Aji (*)
Yhona Paratmanitya
Nur Aini Kusmayanti

(*) Corresponding Author


Body image is the perception of body shape satisfaction. Often occurs among adolescents, usually due to the influence of social media use. The number of social media users increased by 6.3% compared to January 2020. Adolescents often compare themselves to other people's posts on social media, so they have a negative perception of body image. To get the ideal body, adolescents will go on extreme diets and lack of knowledge related to nutrition. To investigate the feasibility, and acceptability of a technology-based nutrition intervention using body image content. Search procedure was in the PubMed and Google scholar databases using the code: AND and OR. Furthermore, the selection of articles based on the characteristics of the study, and the inclusion-exclusion criteria. Significant results were obtained (P<0.001) between the use of social media and body image in adolescents, significant (P<0.001) between food intake, knowledge, physical activity on body image and social media in adolescents. The frequency of using social media was significantly related (p<0.001) to body image. The number of use of social media among teenagers and the perception of negative body image increased significantly, so that it can be used for nutrition intervention through social media sites.


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How to Cite
Rini, D. Y., Aji, A. S., Paratmanitya, Y., & Kusmayanti, N. A. . (2022). Use of Social Media As a Nutritional Intervention On Body Image: Systematic Literature Review. Menara Journal of Health Science, 1(1), 20–32. Retrieved from