Analysis of The Implementation of Contact Investigations in Discovering Suspect Cases of Tuberculosis

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Febriana Puspita Sari (*)
Eko Prasetyo

(*) Corresponding Author


Based on the phenomenon that has occurred in the Kaliwungu Primary Health in the last three years, it has decreased. The achievements of the Implementation of IK at the Kaliwungu Primary Health (2020) were 15 people, (2021) 13 people and (2022) 12 people. Meanwhile, the detection of suspected TB cases at the Kaliwungu Primary Health has increased every year. Therefore, it is hoped that contact investigations can encourage earlier case finding thereby reducing the risk of transmission. The design of this study used qualitative research conducted in March-April 2023 with 5 informants who were taken using a purposive sampling technique. The results of the research in the preparatory stage have been carried out according to technical instructions, but the implementation of home visits has not been appropriate, because there is no data on index cases as well as reconfirmation of the schedule for carrying out contact investigations. the obstacles faced in the implementation of TB screening were not having TB suspect referral letters or open close contacts in conveying their condition. In addition, often get sputum specimens that do not meet the criteria. The achievement of Tb case detection and the empowerment of TB cadres has not been optimal. The implementation of contact investigations at the Kaliwungu Primary Health is not appropriate, so there is a need to improve coordination with TB cadres. In addition, it is expected to activate the role of TB cadres in the target area so that they can assist in efforts to find suspected TB cases at the Kaliwungu Primary Health.


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How to Cite
Sari, F. P., & Prasetyo, E. (2023). Analysis of The Implementation of Contact Investigations in Discovering Suspect Cases of Tuberculosis. Menara Journal of Health Science, 2(4), 754–768. Retrieved from


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