Relationship Between Knowledge of Potential Hazards and Work Productivity in The Workplace

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Eko Prasetyo (*)
Devi Novitasari

(*) Corresponding Author


In Indonesia the number of workplace accidents is very worrying, so that not a few who lose their jobs due to workplace accidents or work-related illnesses are based on the fact that 80% of work accidents in Indonesia are caused by unsafe worker behavior. Not a few companies also have to bear costs due to workplace accidents, and work productivity has declined. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge of potential hazards in the work environment. The type of research used was observational analytic research. The design of this study used a cross sectional approach. The instruments used were the checklist and questionnaire respondents. The study population was 60 respondents in the Finishing Section at the Paper Mill Unit of PT. X. Knowledge of potential hazards in the work environment of the Finishing Unit Paper Mill PT. X states that employees who have good knowledge are 58 people (96.7%), and employees who have good work productivity are 58 people (96.7%). The results of the bivariate analysis state that there is a significant relationship with weak strength and the direction of a positive correlation between knowledge of potential hazards in the work environment and the work productivity of the Finishing section at the Paper Mill Unit of PT. X because the value of r = 0.334 and p value = 0.009 <0.05.


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How to Cite
Prasetyo, E. ., & Novitasari, D. (2022). Relationship Between Knowledge of Potential Hazards and Work Productivity in The Workplace. Menara Journal of Health Science, 1(2), 156–163. Retrieved from