The Relationship Between Age and Parity of Pregnant Women and Compliance with Antenatal Care at Puskesmas Kejobong Purbalingga

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Syelina Dwi Aryanti (*)
Herlin Fitriana Kurniawati

(*) Corresponding Author


The high maternal mortality rate (MMR) in the world is the result of low awareness of carrying out antenatal care, so the Indonesian Ministry of Health has issued the latest policy effort for pregnant women, namely a program of visiting antenatal care at least 6 times since carrying out antenatal care checks can improve knowledge and signs of danger for pregnant women and babies. The research design was quantitative with a case-control approach and purposive sampling as the sampling technique. The data collection instruments were medical records and chi-square for data analysis. The results of the statistical test using chi-square showed a p-value of 0.028 < 0.05 for age and compliance with antenatal care, meaning that there was a relationship between age and compliance with antenatal care visits. As for the parity variable, the p-value was 0.569 > 0.05, meaning that there was no relationship between parity and compliance with antenatal care. It is hoped that all pregnant women can routinely check their pregnancy with health workers at the nearest health service facility at least 6 times during the pregnancy.


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How to Cite
Aryanti, S. D., & Kurniawati, H. F. (2024). The Relationship Between Age and Parity of Pregnant Women and Compliance with Antenatal Care at Puskesmas Kejobong Purbalingga. Menara Journal of Health Science, 3(3), 397–404. Retrieved from


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