A Description of Women's Anxiety Levels in Facing Menopause in Posyandu in Puskesmas Sleman Area, Yogyakarta

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Heni Apriliyeni (*) hapriliyeni@gmail.com
Fathiyatur Rohmah

(*) Corresponding Author


Various disorders, including physical and psychological aspects, are often experienced by women when experiencing menopause, which can also affect multiple parts of a woman's life, one of which is the influence on psychological conditions, especially those that can cause anxiety. The feeling of inferiority experienced by women before menopause is usually accompanied by anxiety and worry, which make women lack self-confidence and cause anxiety. This study aims to determine the stress level of women facing menopause in Puskesmas (Community Health Center) Sleman area, Yogyakarta. This quantitative descriptive research with a sample of 88 people, taken using a purposive sampling technique. The data collection tool uses a questionnaire. Data analysis used univariate analysis. The results of the study showed that the level of anxiety in the category of women who were not anxious was 31 respondents (43.1%), the level of anxiety in the type of mild anxiety was 36 respondents (50.0%), the level of anxiety in the category of moderate anxiety was five respondents (6.9%), and there were no respondents who had severe or very severe anxiety levels. This study concluded that most respondents had a mild level of anxiety, as indicated by data from 36 respondents (50.0%). It is recommended for respondents to increase their knowledge by seeking information about menopause and how to deal with menopause from health workers and other sources.


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How to Cite
Apriliyeni, H., & Rohmah, F. (2024). A Description of Women’s Anxiety Levels in Facing Menopause in Posyandu in Puskesmas Sleman Area, Yogyakarta. Menara Journal of Health Science, 3(3), 353–361. Retrieved from https://jurnal.iakmikudus.org/article/view/204


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