The Influence of Health Education on BSE Knowledge among Women of Childbearing Age in The Working Area of Puskesmas Kasihan I Bantul Regency

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Dona Herdianengsih (*)
Herlin Fitriani Kurniawati

(*) Corresponding Author


In 2022, 102 cases of breast cancer were recorded in the working area of Puskesmas (Primary Health Center) Kasihan I, of which the two newest cases were experienced by those aged 15 to 19 years, three new cases and 14 old cases in the age range 20 to 44 years, two recent cases and 28 old cases in the age range 45 to 54 years, three new cases and ten old cases in the age range 55 - 59 years, three new cases and 34 old cases in the age range 60 - 69 years, one old case in the age range over 70 years (Bantul District Health Service, 2023). Breast cancer is influenced by knowledge of breast self-examination. Other things that can be affected are environmental factors, the need for more information women receive from health workers, and limited details on BSE. One effort that health workers can make to increase public knowledge about breast cancer is by providing health education. One of the efforts to prevent or reduce the number of breast cancer cases is BSE (Ministry of Health, 2017). This research used a pre-experimental type of research with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique in this research used the purposive sampling technique. The results of this study showed that the knowledge of women of childbearing age (WUS) about BSE, before being given BSE counseling or pretest, respondents with expertise in the less than 0 categories (0%), in the sufficient category 34 people (52.3%), and the category good 31 people (47.7%). Knowledge of BSE among women of childbearing age after being given BSE counseling or a posttest showed that 62 respondents had good knowledge (95.4%), and three respondents (4.6%) had sufficient knowledge. Therefore, counseling about BSE influences the knowledge of Women of Childbearing Age (WUS) in Puskesmas Kasihan I Work Area, Bantul. Researchers hope that by providing counseling, women of childbearing age (WUS) can carry out BSE themselves at home regularly every month after menstruation and convey this to their family and environment.


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How to Cite
Herdianengsih, D., & Kurniawati, H. F. (2024). The Influence of Health Education on BSE Knowledge among Women of Childbearing Age in The Working Area of Puskesmas Kasihan I Bantul Regency. Menara Journal of Health Science, 3(1), 102–112. Retrieved from


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