The Effect of Pregnancy Exercise on The Intensity of Low Back Pain in The Third-Trimester Pregnant Women at Puskesmas Tretep Temanggung

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Nurul Aprilyanti (*)
Herlin Fitriani Kurniawati

(*) Corresponding Author


Low back pain is a discomfort often experienced by pregnant women. Pregnancy exercise can relieve low back pain. The study aimed at determining the effect of pregnancy exercise on the intensity of low back pain in third-trimester pregnant women at Puskesmas (Community Health Center) Tretep Temanggung. The research was pre-experimental research with a cross-sectional approach. The population was 35 pregnant women and the total sample was 33 third-trimester pregnant women chosen using the total sampling technique. The independent variable was pregnancy exercise and the dependent variable was the low back pain. The instrument used in the study was an observation sheet (Wilcoxon Test). The results showed that, before being given pregnancy exercise, the respondents experienced low back pain with a scale of 3 moderate pain (81.8%) and a scale of 4 more pain (18.2%) and after being given pregnancy exercise, they experienced less painful low back pain with a scale of 2 mild pain (78.8%) and moderate pain with a scale of 3 (21.2%). The Wilcoxon statistical test showed that the p-value was 0.00 less than <0.05. In conclusion, there was an effect of pregnancy exercise on the intensity of low back pain in third-trimester pregnant women at Puskesmas Tretep Temanggung. It is suggested that mothers to be more active in participating in pregnancy classes to find out new methods in health sciences, especially pregnancy exercise.


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How to Cite
Aprilyanti, N., & Kurniawati, H. F. (2024). The Effect of Pregnancy Exercise on The Intensity of Low Back Pain in The Third-Trimester Pregnant Women at Puskesmas Tretep Temanggung. Menara Journal of Health Science, 3(1), 10–22. Retrieved from


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