Relathionship Between Performance and Job Satisfaction Nurses of Covid-19 Patient at Bekasi Hospital

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Achmad Syaifudin (*)
Dian Ambarwati
Ni Nyoman Martaningtyas

(*) Corresponding Author


Karya Medika Bekasi Hospital is a type C hospital appointed by the Bekasi mayoral government to be a COVID-19 referral hospital. Nurses performance assessment at Karya Medika Hospital showed "Very Good" (91-100) in 2020, namely 15 employees (30 %) and in the previous year there was an increase and an increasing number of employees were included in this assessment. Objective: to determine the relationship between performance and job satisfaction of nurses for COVID-19 patients. This research method uses quantitative research. The population is all nurses who work at the Karya Medika Hospital Bantar Gebang there are 50 nurses, using a sampling technique that is Startified Random Sampling, a sample of 25 nurses is obtained. The data collection used in this research is primary data and secondary data. Data analysis using the Spearman Test Results: it shows that the nurses of Covid-19 patients at the Karya Medika Bekasi Hospital in 2021 have felt job satisfaction, thus job satisfaction is good and the performance assessment is also good, while the Separman test shows the p value or Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.035 is said to be quite significant. Conclusion: that there is a significant relationship between performance and job satisfaction of nurses.


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How to Cite
Syaifudin, A., Ambarwati, D. ., & Martaningtyas, N. N. . (2022). Relathionship Between Performance and Job Satisfaction Nurses of Covid-19 Patient at Bekasi Hospital. Menara Journal of Health Science, 1(4), 351–360. Retrieved from