Relationship of Rationality of Drug Use With Therapy Effects in Outpatient Hypertension Patients in Clinic X Kudus
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Rationality is the use of drugs according to indications in patients with doses and duration of administration according to individual patient conditions and at the lowest possible price. This study aims to evaluate the rationality of drug use in outpatient hypertension patients at the Muhammadiyah Asy-Syifa' Kudus Primary Clinic. Method this research is a type of non-experimental quantitative research with a descriptive design. Collecting data retrospectively from patient medical record data in April- September 2020 using the total population sampling method by purposive sampling in accordance with the inclusion criteria.The results of the study found that the rationality of drug use in hypertensive patients is the right indication for 100 patients (100%), 100 patients (100%), the right dose for 100 patients (100%) and the right drug for 97 patients (97%). The results of the statistical test of the relationship between rationality and the therapeutic effect of drug use in hypertensive patients obtained a sig value. 0.0001 (P<0.05), it can be concluded that there is a relationship between rationality and the therapeutic effect of drug use on hypertension. The use of antihypertensive drugs includes the right indication, the right patient, the right dose and the right drug. The rationale for the use of drugs in patients is the right indication (100%), the right patient (100%), the right dose (100%) and the right drug (97%). There is a correlation between rationality and the therapeutic effect of drug use in hypertensive patients.
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