The Fluid and Fiber Intake as a Keys to Prevent Constipation in Middle School Students

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Farhan Naufal Al Iffat Pratama
Siti Maisyaroh Bakti Pertiwi (*)
Naela Fadhila

(*) Corresponding Author



This research aims to analyze a relationship between knowledge of dietary patterns, especially fluid and fiber intake with prevalence of constipation in Junior High School State 22 Semarang on 2023th. It was involved on 495 students as respondents and used cross-sectional approach in observational analytical methods. This research found there was a significant correlation between knowledge about fluid and fiber intake with the incidence of constipation, it was measured used a Chi-Square test (p<0.05). These results show the importance of nutritional education as a preventive measure against constipation. This research provides evidence an educational interventions related to healthy eating patterns can be effective reducing a risk of constipation, then it will need more focused health education programs to increase students awareness of the benefits an adequate fluid and fiber intake.


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How to Cite
Pratama, F. N. A. I., Pertiwi, S. M. B., & Fadhila, N. (2024). The Fluid and Fiber Intake as a Keys to Prevent Constipation in Middle School Students. Menara Journal of Health Science, 3(1), 177–189. Retrieved from


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