The Relationship of Counseling with The Regularity of Antenatal Care Visits for Third Trimester Pregnant Women at Puskesmas Godean II
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Antenatal care is a preventive effort in the obstetric health service program which is carried out with a series of routine monitoring activities during pregnancy provided by professional health workers in accordance with the Midwifery Service Standards (SPK). Counseling provided by health workers greatly influences the regularity of antenatal care visits. This study aims to determine the relationship between counseling and the regularity of antenatal care visits in third trimester pregnant women at Godean II Health Center. This research uses a correlation design with a cross sectional approach. The population of this study consisted of 52 pregnant women in the third trimester with a sample size of 30 respondents obtained through random sampling techniques. The research instrument used a questionnaire and the data results were then analyzed using univariate analysis and bivariate analysis (Chi Square). The results showed that 70% of the counseling programs were in the good category (21 respondents) and 66.7% of regular ANC visits were in the regular category (20 respondents). Based on the Chi Square statistical test, the p-value was 0.011 < (0.05). From these results it can be concluded that there is a relationship between counseling and the regularity of ANC visits with a Chi Square correlation coefficient of 0.420, which shows that the relationship between these two variables is quite strong. Through the results of this research, it is hoped that health workers at Puskesmas Godean II will add pregnancy programs for pregnant women and use information media such as leaflets, brochures, health magazines, and chat/SMS services to motivate mothers to be more regular in carrying out examinations.
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