The Correlation Between Husband Support with Successin Exclusive Breastfeeding in Puskesmas Umbulharjo I Yogyakarta Municipality
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Breast milk is the best food for babies, especially in the first months of life. Exclusive breastfeeding is very important for a child's life, and can protect against several diseases that are susceptible to natural and which can be fatal such as diarrhea and pneumonia. Mothers in Indonesia who give exclusive breastfeeding in 2021 as of February 4 2022 are 69.7%, if they don't reach 80% it will have an impact on increasing infant mortality. Because one of the ways to reduce infant mortality is by giving breast milk for a full 6 months and continuing it until the age of 2 years. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between husband's support and success in giving exclusive breastfeeding at Puskesmas (Primary Health Center) Umbulharjo I in Yogyakarta Municipality. This research method is a quantitative study with a cross sectional approach. Samples were taken using purposive sampling method with a total of 212 respondents. The tool in this research is a questionnaire. The statistical test used the chi-square test with a p value <0.05. The statistical test results obtained a p-value of p-value=.000 (p-value=<0.05) and a correlation coefficient of 0.703. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between husband's support and the success of exclusive breastfeeding in the Working Area of Puskesmas Umbulharjo I in Yogyakarta Municipality with the degree of closeness of the relationship is strong. It is hoped that the Umbulharjo I Health Center in Yogyakarta City can increase support for exclusive breastfreeding, by providing education and information about exclusive breastfreeding from pregnancy to breastfeeding.
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