Transformational Leadership of Head Room at Hospital in Indonesia : Deskriptif Study

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Mona Saparwati (*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The transformational approach is a model that is considered suitable for the health profession, which is an agent of change in supporting the development of health services. Transformational leadership involves followers, inpires, and commit to reach vission and mission together with the core components inherent namely charismatic, inspirational motivasion, intellectual stimulation and individual attention. The aim of the study is to describe the transformational leadership capacity of the nurses at hospital in Indonesia. This type of research was quantitative descriptive with descriptive approach. the population were all nurses at hospital X in Indonesia, 152 people from 11 units of care rooms at hospital X in Indonesia. The samples of 69 people people were taken by proportional random sampling. The data collection tool used nurses perceptions questionnaire sheets on transformational leadership of the head of the room. The results of the study based on frequency distribution show that most of the head of the room have high transformational abilities as many as 9 people (81,8%). The head of the room is expected to be able to improve transformational leadership skills so that it can improve nurse job satisfaction. High nurse job satisfaction is expected to improve the quality of health services in hospitals.


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How to Cite
Saparwati, M. ., & Trimawati. (2022). Transformational Leadership of Head Room at Hospital in Indonesia : Deskriptif Study. Menara Journal of Health Science, 1(3), 280–289. Retrieved from