Description of Compliance with The Use of Mask on School Age Children

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Rochmani Zuliasih
Natalia Devi Oktarina (*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Research on the benefits and dangers of using masks by children to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 and other types of coronavirus is still limited. Several studies have evaluated the effectiveness of using masks in children for influenza and other respiratory viruses. A study on mask use during a seasonal influenza outbreak in Japan noted that mask use was more effective in higher grades (9-12 years old in grades 4-6) than in lower grades (children aged 9-12 years). children aged 6-9 years in grades 1-3). The research to find out the description of compliance with the use of masks in children.The design of this research is descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were students of SD Negeri 1 Cekel, Karangrayung District, Grobogan Regency with a total sample of 150 data using the total sampling method. Data collection tool using a questionnaire. Data analysis used univariate test which was analyzed using SPSS program. The results showed that school-age children at SDN 1 Cekel, Karangrayung District, Grobogan Regency in the new normal era were categorized as obedient in the use of masks, as many as 141 respondents (94.0%), and the results showed school-aged children at SDN 1 Cekel, Karangrayung District, Grobogan Regency in the new normal era, the category of non-compliance in the use of masks was 9 respondents (6.0%).It is better if schools and health centers provide supervision to children so that they are obedient in the use of masks.


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How to Cite
Zuliasih, R. ., & Natalia Devi Oktarina. (2022). Description of Compliance with The Use of Mask on School Age Children: . Menara Journal of Health Science, 1(3), 217–230. Retrieved from