Physical Stability Test of Hair Growth Cream Preparation from Ethanol Extract of Celery Leaves (Apium Graveolens L.)
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There are many uses of celery leaves in cosmetics, including as a hair growth agent. Hair is horny threads embedded obliquely in the hair follicle. Hair consists of roots and hair shafts, while hair roots are supplied with blood through nerves so that hair roots are sensitive to the environment, weather, or chemicals used for hair care. Celery contains sodium, vitamins A and B, calcium and iron and has the ability to nourish hair. The chemical in celery, namely Apigenin, plays a role in stimulating hair growth. So in this case it is the basis for the potential of celery leaves to be used as a cream formulation. The cream dosage form was chosen because it has the advantages, namely, it is comfortable to use, easily absorbed into the skin, not sticky, and easy to wash off with water. Physical stability testing is required to ensure the cream preparation continues to meet the requirements during the storage period. This research aims to determine the physical stability of a celery leaf extract cream preparation (Apium Graveolens L.) as a hair growth agent. This research is laboratory experimental. The extraction method uses maceration with 70% ethanol solvent. This research took celery leaf extract (Apium graveolens L.) with varying concentrations of 6 gr, 9 gr and 12 gr in 30 gr preparations. Next, a physical stability test was carried out using Store at room temperature for 7 weeks. This research was carried out for 7 weeks in the Technology and Formulation Laboratory of AKAFARMA Sunan Giri Ponorogo. This research shows that cream preparations from ethanol extract of celery leaves with concentrations of 6 gr, 9 gr, and 12 gr produce good cream preparations and meet the requirements for physical properties of cream and cream stability tests.
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