Relationship Between Mother's Knowledge Level and Compliance in Giving Basic Immunization in The Work Area of Puskesmas Bayat Belantikan Raya District

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Ahmad Sholeh
Natalia Devi Oktarina (*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Factors that influence the level of basic immunization in toddlers include maternal age, maternal education, maternal knowledge, family support, and maternal compliance. One of the factors that influences the level of maternal compliance in carrying out basic immunization is maternal knowledge. Maternal compliance in providing immunization to infants not only provides prevention of certain diseases in the infant, but also has a wider impact because it can prevent the transmission of disease. Therefore, parental knowledge, especially mothers, is very important to understand the benefits of immunization for Indonesian children. This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal knowledge levels and compliance in providing basic immunization to infants in Belantikan Raya District. Quantitative research with a cross-sectional survey approach. The sample used was 69 respondents. The results of this study showed that the description of the level of maternal knowledge about providing basic immunization to infants had good knowledge of 46 mothers (66.7%), while the description of maternal compliance in providing basic immunization had high compliance of 65 mothers (94.2%), and there was a relationship between maternal knowledge and compliance in providing basic immunization to infants in Belantikan Raya District (p value 0.000). It is recommended for mothers to continue to improve their knowledge more deeply about giving immunizations to babies. Because, giving complete immunizations will provide better quality of children's health in the future.


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How to Cite
Sholeh, A., & Oktarina, N. D. (2024). Relationship Between Mother’s Knowledge Level and Compliance in Giving Basic Immunization in The Work Area of Puskesmas Bayat Belantikan Raya District . Menara Journal of Health Science, 3(4), 575–585. Retrieved from


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