Knowledge and Compliance of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Following the Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis)
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Non-communicable diseases (PTM) are a health problem in the world and Indonesia is no exception. One of the many PTM that occurs in the community, one of which is Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes occurs because of an unhealthy lifestyle or because of genetic or hereditary factors. DM sufferers in Blora district in 2020 were 1,3%,and then for DM sufferers in the working area of the UPTD Puledagel Health Center in 2021 there were 934 people and in 2022 it had increased to 1,246 people.This research is a descriptive analysis research with a cross-sectional time approach. This research was carried out at the UPTD Puledagel Health Center and carried out in December 2022. The population for this research was Diabetes Mellitus patients who were registered in prolanis as many as 36 people with a total sampling technique. The research instrument used was the DKQ-24 (Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire).The level of compliance of respondents in following prolanis in the obedient category was 15 people (57.7%) and the non-compliant category was 11 people. (42.3%). Non-compliance can cause complications related to DM, decreased body function, low quality of life, and even death. Respondents who obeyed prolanis, at most were 10 housewives (IRT) and only 1 IRT who did not comply with prolanis.The level of knowledge of DM patients is good, namely 17 people (65.4%) and DM patient compliance in participating in the Chronic Disease Management Program (PROLANIS) at the UPTD Puledagel Health Center is 15 people (57.7%) comply and 15 people do not comply 11 people (42.3%).
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