Description of Patterns and Types of Information about Stunting Using Smartphones Mothers of Stunted Toddlers

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Annisa Eka Noviarini
Siti Nurunniyah (*)
Brune Indah Yulitasari

(*) Corresponding Author


Stunting is a nutritional problem that still occurs globally. Stunting can increase mortality, illness and disability in infants and toddlers. Stunting will also reduce the work productivity in the future and causing economic losses. One of the government's efforts to prevent and overcome stunting is to increase health promotion to increase maternal knowledge. Along with technological advances, the search for health information is currently starting to grow rapidly through the internet where smartphones are the most frequently used devices to access the internet, so that the pattern of mothers in finding information related to stunting can be the key to success in developing health promotion about stunting. Objective the aims of  study are describing the pattern of smartphone use  in stunted toddler mothers in Samigaluh district, Kulonprogo regency. This research is quantitative descriptive with a cross sectional design. The study population is 196 stunted toddler mothers. Sampling by total sampling method. The number of samples that met the inclusion criteria was 132 people. Research instruments using questionnaires. Results 87 respondents (66%) used  their smartphones to find information about stunting. The most frequently searched information is the definition of stunting (84%). The duration of the search for stunting information is at most 10 – 20 minutes per day and the frequency of searches during the last 1 month is at most 1 – 3 times. Respondents' age, education and occupation tend to affect the use of smartphones to find stunting information. Conclusion  health promotion media through Smartphones can be developed as a means of delivering health information to stunted mothers under five years old.


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How to Cite
Noviarini, A. E., Nurunniyah, S., & Yulitasari, B. I. (2024). Description of Patterns and Types of Information about Stunting Using Smartphones Mothers of Stunted Toddlers. Menara Journal of Health Science, 3(2), 287–301. Retrieved from


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