Application of Mirror Therapy on Muscle Strength in Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients
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Stroke is a brain function disorder which can impact various body functions, including motor deficits in the form of hemiparesis. Mirror therapy is one of the post-stroke rehabilitation therapies for hemiparesis involving the mirror neuron system. The aims of this case study is to determine muscle strength before and after being given mirror therapy. The method of this case study is descriptive, describing the assessment of muscle strength before and after mirror therapy involving 3 study subjects who meet the inclusion criteria such as subjects with non-hemorrhagic stroke who have muscle weakness in the upper extremities with muscle strength scores of 1-4, compos mentis and cooperative, stable vital signs, and aged ≥45 years. The intervention began with the measurement vital signs, followed by the measurement of muscle strength using the Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) instrument before mirror therapy is carried out. Mirror therapy was conducted once daily for 7 days, with each session lasting 30 minutes, consisting of 2 sessions. Each session lasted for 15 minutes, with a 5-minute rest period between sessions. Each session lasted for 15 minutes, with a 5-minute rest period between sessions. After therapy, muscle strength assessment was performed again. The success of the intervention was evaluated by assessing muscle strength on the 7th day.The case study was conducted in Plamongansari RW 10 Village, Pedurungan District, Semarang City. The results obtained after doing mirror therapy once per day for 7 days with a duration of 30 minutes showed an increase in muscle strength. Subject 1's muscle strength value became 4, Subject 2's muscle strength value became 3, and Subject 3's muscle strength value became 4. Conclusion of the case study is that subjects suffering from hemiparesis experienced an increase in muscle strength after mirror therapy. Mirror therapy influenced the improvement of muscle strength in post-stroke patients with hemiparesis.
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