The Effect of Effecturage Massage Technique on Afterpaint Pain in Multipara Pubber Women
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Pain (afterpains) is often experienced by multiparous parities due to periodic intermittent relaxation and strong contractions which cause pain that persists throughout the early puerperium (postpartum period) which is sometimes severe enough to require analgesics. This study aims to analyze the effect of Effleurage Massage Technique on Afterpain Pain in Multiparous Postpartum Women. The design of this research is Pre-Experimental with a one group pretest-posttest design type. The sampling technique in this research was total sampling, with a total sample of 30 respondents at PMB Bd.Wahidah., S.S.T Denpasar Selatan Bali. The pain scale is measured using the NRS (Numeric Rating Scale) standard. Research data was tested statistically using the Wilcoxon test. The results of the study showed that there was an influence of the effleurage massage technique on afterpains in multiparous postpartum mothers at PMB Bd. Wahidah., S.S.T Denpasar Selatan Bali (p-value 0.000). It is hoped that midwives can apply the effleurage massage technique as a complementary therapy when postpartum mothers feel afterpains, especially in the delivery room.
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