The Difference in The Effectiveness of Mung Bean Juice and Red Grade X Guava Juice on Hb Levels in Adolescentgirls of High School Students
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Anemia in adolescent girls remains a public health problem as its prevalence is more than 15%. Mung bean juice has various benefits and protein content needed by the body. Consuming mung bean juice can increase Hb levels in adolescent girls. Red guava juice has the benefit of maintaining the immune system and can increase Hb levels. The study aimed to determine the difference in the effectiveness of mung bean juice and red guava juice on the Hb levels of adolescent girls. The study applied a quasi-experimental research method with a non-equivalent pre- and post-test control group design using a purposive sampling technique. The population in the study was 130 adolescent girls and the research sample was 56 people divided into 2 groups, 28 in the mung bean juice group and 28 in the red guava juice group. The results of the Hb levels in adolescent girls after being given the mung bean and red guava juice were p = 0.014 which means that there was a significant difference in the Hb levels of adolescent girls before and after giving the intervention. There was a significant increase in the average Hb levels before and after the administration of mung bean and red guava juice and the average increase in Hb levels was more significant in the mung bean juice group than in the red guava juice group.
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