The Description of The Characteristics of Child Abuse Incidence in Sleman Regency UPTD PPA In 2022

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Winda Ratnasari (*)
Luluk Rosida

(*) Corresponding Author


Violence against children is any form or act of physical or emotional harm sexual abuse, trafficking, neglect, commercial exploitation including commercial sexual exploitation of children that results in real or potential injury or loss to child health, child survival, child development or child dignity, which is carried out in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the incidence of violence against children in Sleman Regency Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) in 2022. This research employed descriptive observational with a retrospective study approach. The sampling technique in this study was to use total sampling of 134 people, the method of collection was obtained from case record reports which were recapitulated using a master table. Data analysis techniques used univariate with frequency distribution. The results of the study described the characteristics of the incidence of violence against children at Sleman Regency UPTD PPA in 2022 based on the age characteristics of the most violence at the age of 12-17 years, namely 93 people (69.4%), based on the characteristics of female gender most victims of violence, namely 83 people (61.9%), based on the characteristics of the form of violence most experienced by children, namely in the form of sexual violence, namely 55 people (41.0%), and based on the characteristics of the level of education of victims of violence most in junior high school education, namely 47 people (35.1%). The Sleman Regency UPTD PPA is anticipated to persist in enhancing its endeavors to address and provide aid to victims of violence inside the Sleman Regency locality.


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How to Cite
Ratnasari, W., & Rosida, L. (2024). The Description of The Characteristics of Child Abuse Incidence in Sleman Regency UPTD PPA In 2022. Menara Journal of Health Science, 3(1), 23–37. Retrieved from


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