Parents’ Role in Providing Sexual Education to Children in Ponowaren Hamlet Nogotirto Village Gamping District Sleman Regency Yogyakarta

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Trianita Febriani (*)
Rosmita Nuzuliana

(*) Corresponding Author


Parents play a crucial role in their children's development, as the family provides the majority of their education and is the first environment they experience. The increase in premarital sexual behavior has an undeniable effect on the health of Indonesian children. In actuality, Indonesia is the second most dangerous country in the world, with the highest absolute incidence of sexual violence or sexual harassment. In the hamlet of Ponowaren, there were three unwed pregnancies in 2020 and 2021. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of parents in sex education for children. This study was conducted using a descriptive approach by disseminating questionnaires. The sampling technique used in this study was unplanned sampling, or sampling that was not planned in advance. There are 94 parents in Ponowaren Hamlet with children between the ages of 5 and 10. The population was represented by 49 parents from Ponowaren Nogotirto Hamlet, Gamping District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. According to the findings of the study conducted in Ponowaren Nogotirti Hamlet, Gamping District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, there were 36 respondents (73.47%) with acceptable parental criteria. As educators, the majority of parents perform well (75.51%); as motivators, the majority perform adequately (55.10%); as supervisors, the majority perform well (79.59%); and as counselors, the majority perform well (93.87%). It is expected that parents will be able to maintain and give attention to their children's social and developmental conditions so that their children will grow and develop well in the future.


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How to Cite
Febriani, T., & Nuzuliana, R. (2023). Parents’ Role in Providing Sexual Education to Children in Ponowaren Hamlet Nogotirto Village Gamping District Sleman Regency Yogyakarta. Menara Journal of Health Science, 2(4), 557–565. Retrieved from


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