Nordic Hamstring Exercise is More Effective Compared to Mulligans Bent Leg Raise Exercise in Improving Hamstring Muscle Flexibility in Physiotherapy Students Bali International University
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Poor posture and doing it for a long time during lectures causes the flexibility of the hamstring muscles in students to decrease. This condition causes the hamstring to be injured, causing pain and musculoskeletal disorders and disrupting functional activities. This study aims to determine the difference between Nordic hamstring exercise and mulligans bent leg raise exercise on increasing hamstring muscle flexibility in students. This research is experimental with a pre and post test two group design. The collection technique is purposive sampling, non-probability. The research sample consisted of 28 people who were divided into two groups. In group 1, the nordic hamstring exercise was given and group 2 was given the mulligans bent leg raise exercise. The flexibility of the hamstring muscles was measured using the sit and reach test. The results of the research in group I obtained a mean value of increase in hamstring flexibility before training of 7.36 and after exercise of 14.93, group II obtained a mean value of increase in hamstring flexibility before exercise of 6.71 and after exercise of 11.14. Testing the difference in mean values after exercise, it was found that the increase in hamstring flexibility in the Nordic hamstring exercise group was better than in the Mulligans bent leg raise exercise group with a percentage of 66.98% in the Nordic hamstring exercise group and 62.40% in the Mulligans bent leg raise exercise group. . Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the Nordic hamstring exercise is more effective in increasing hamstring muscle flexibility than the mulligans bent leg raise exercise in physiotherapy students.
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