The Relationship Between Maternal Characteristics and The Incidence of Low Birth Weight Babies in The Sleman Health Center Work Area
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The case of low weight newborn babies is one of the global medical problems which has become the government’s focus of attention due to the fact that most mortality towards prenatal groups have been caused by the low weight problem. Based on acquired data from the Health Department of Province of DIY 2022 the number of low weight baby case was high, constituting 6.1 % of which the highest case was in the district of Sleman with as much as 6.5 % of the population. The cause of low weight newborn babies were: parity,age of pregnancy, and hemoglobin concentration. To find out the relationship between maternal characteristics and the incidence of low birth weight babies in the sleman health center work area. This study used a quantitative research method with observational analysis as the research design. Sampling used were as much as 100 respondents, systematic random sampling was used as the sampling technique. Instrument used in this study was medical record in e-cohort SIMKIA SEMBADA. Data analysis was using Chi Square test. Correlation between parity and low weight new born babies generate P= 0.000 (P<0,05) and r = 0.319, and r = 0.211. Correlation between parity and low weight new born babies generate P= 0.000 (P<0,05) dan r = 0.783. Correlation between distance pregnancy and low weight new born babies generate P= 0.000 (P<0,05) and r =0.663. Correlation between haemoglobin concentrated in third trimester and low weight new born babies generate P= 0.000 (P<0,05) dan r = 0.356. There is correlation between between low weight new born babies and parity, age of pregnancy, pregnancy spacing, and hemoglobin concentration in third trimester. Pregnant mothers are expected to perform routine medical check-up during the pregnancy in order that indications related to low weight newborn babies could be identified earlier and anticipated appropriately.
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