The Relationship between Providing Complementary Food for Breastfeeding (MPASI) and Nutritional Status in Infants Aged 6 Months in Jepang Pakis Village Jati District Kudus Regency

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Sri Handayani (*)
Nopri Padma
Ahmad Qosim

(*) Corresponding Author


The view in the community was that a fatter baby indicates a healthy baby and the sooner supplementary food was given the better. Feeding infants younger than 6 months was not provide great protection from various diseases. This was because the baby's immune system is less than 6 months old. Giving MP-ASI too early is tantamount to opening the entry gate for various types of germs. Target this research was know the relationship between providing complementary food for breastfeeding (MPASI) and nutritional status in infants aged 6 months in Desa Jepang Pakis Kecamatan Jati Kudus Regency.  The method in this research used descriptive analytic design that is "Cros Sectional", which provides an overview of the factors of providing complementary food for ASI (MPASI) which is related to the nutritional status of infants aged 6 months in Desa Jepang Pakis Kecamatan Jati Kudus Regency with population of all infants aged 6 months in the Japanese Village of Pakis, Jati District, Kudus Regency in November 2022 with an average of 38 patients and a large sample of 35 respondents. The sampling with total sampling technique. There was an relationship between providing complementary food for breastfeeding (MPASI) and nutritional status in infants aged 6 months in Desa Jepang Pakis Kecamatan Jati Kudus Regency with p value = 0.002 (a; 0.05). The research was expected to puskesmas will socialize more about Complementary Foods for ASI (MPASI) and the continuation of research on on nutritional status by controlling for confounding variables such as family support, respondent's knowledge and economic level.


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How to Cite
Handayani, S., Padma, N. ., & Qosim, A. (2023). The Relationship between Providing Complementary Food for Breastfeeding (MPASI) and Nutritional Status in Infants Aged 6 Months in Jepang Pakis Village Jati District Kudus Regency. Menara Journal of Health Science, 2(3), 327–336. Retrieved from