The Effect of Pelvic Rooking on Head Decrease in Active Phase 1 Labor at BPM Isni Handayani Utami

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Nor Asiyah
Irawati Indrianingrum (*)
Linda Andriani

(*) Corresponding Author


Various physiological efforts have been made to prevent prolonged labour, such as pregnancy exercises, deep breathing techniques and rebozo. Other efforts to prevent long labour, such as pelvic rocking which supports labor so that it can run physiologically. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pelvic rooking on head loss in the first active phase of labor at BPM Isni Handayani Utami. Type of research This research uses quantitative research with a quasy-experiment design. Based on the accidental sampling technique, the number of samples was 15 respondents. The research results show; Most of the head loss in the active phase of labor in the first stage of labor where pelvic rooking was not given was mostly 5/5 as many as 5 (33.3%) of respondents and the least head loss was 0/5, 1/5 and 2/5 respectively 1 (6.7%) of respondents while most of the head loss in the active phase of labor in the first stage of labor after being given pelvic rooking was in 1/5 of 5 (33.3%) respondents and a small proportion of head loss in 4/5 and 5/5 each 1 (6.7%) respondent while the statistical test results showed that there was an effect of pelvic rooking on head decline in the active phase of the 1st stage of labor with a p value of 0.004 <0.05. Conclusion Pelvic rooking is useful in helping the process of lowering the head in the active phase of the first stage of labour.


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How to Cite
Asiyah, N. ., Indrianingrum, I., & Andriani, L. . (2022). The Effect of Pelvic Rooking on Head Decrease in Active Phase 1 Labor at BPM Isni Handayani Utami. Menara Journal of Health Science, 1(4), 392–400. Retrieved from