Effectiveness of Jingle PHBS in School on Increasing Knowledge and Attitude of Elementary School Students
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Jingle PHBS in Schools is a song initiated by the Department of Health Promotion of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2007 with the aim of educating children to be motivated to practice clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS). The impact of not practicing PHBS can contract infectious diseases, including diarrhea and helminthiasis. It is noted that every year diarrhea disease is a factor in the death of 100,000 Indonesian children caused by unhealthy snacks, this shows that children have not been able to implement PHBS properly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of PHBS jingles in schools on students' knowledge and attitudes. This research is a type of quasi experimental research with a nonequivalent control group design, involving two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was given counseling using the song method and the control group was given counseling using the lecture method. The sample in this study was 56 respondents who were divided into 28 control groups and 28 experimental groups. The instrument used was a questionnaire with 20 knowledge and attitude questions and Jingle PHBS at School. Data analysis using Wilcoxon test. The results of this study based on the Wilcoxon statistical test on the knowledge variable obtained a p value of 0.099 in the control group, in the experimental group obtained a p value of 0.000. While in the attitude variable, the control group obtained a p value of 0.20, for the experimental group, the attitude variable obtained a p value of 0.000. The conclusion is that there is a difference between the lecture method and the song method, meaning that there is an effectiveness of counseling methods using PHBS jingles in schools, so the suggestion in this study is that the government and institutions or agencies are more varied in providing health education to students.
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