The Effect of Health Education on Children's Level of Knowledge about Bullying in MTs NU Manbaul Qur’an
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Bullying is an activity of intimidation/violence against to weaker people. The occurrence of Bullying Behavior in teenager in several countries is still a problem that needs attention. Health Education about Bullying is expected to increase adolescent knowledge so that they are able to prevent Bullying behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the level of adolescent knowledge about Bullying between before and after Health Education. This research was Quasi Experimental with the Pre and Post Test method. The population of the study was student of MTS grade VII with a total of 14 respondents. Data were analysis using Paired t-Test. The results of the study were 8 (57.1%) respondents had sufficient knowledge at the pre-test stage and 12 (85.7%) respondents had good knowledge at the post-test stage. Bivariate analysis showed a difference in the level of knowledge between the pre and post-test with a p-value of 0.001. In conclusion, there is a difference in the level of student knowledge about Bullying between before and after Health Education was carried out.
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