Implementation of The Triple Elimination Program for Pregnant Women at The Kasihan I Bantul Health Center
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Public understanding of infectious diseases is still very minimal. As a society that still has the stigma that STIs or sexually transmitted diseases are dangerous diseases, many of them are ostracized in their area. The negative stigma of society is a factor in people's fear of experiencing symptoms of HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Hepatitis B to get their disease checked. Therefore, stigma and understanding about sexually transmitted diseases are very important in facilitating government steps in tackling infectious diseases themselves. Triple elimination is carried out to ensure that even if the mother has HIV, syphilis and/or hepatitis B, she does not transmit it to her baby as much as possible. The aim of this research was to determine the implementation of the triple elimination program for pregnant women at the Kasihan I Bantul Community Health Center. The method used is qualitative descriptive research. The number of informants in this research was 3 implementers and 2 pregnant women informants. Data collection methods are interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis by means of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that there is implementation consisting of processes, mechanisms and follow-up. These two supporting factors consist of program objectives, implementation and collaboration with cadres and community leaders. Third, there are program obstacles such as the difficulty of carrying out screening and time management for pregnancy checks. In conclusion, implementing the triple elimination program requires the involvement of various parties, especially individuals, families and communities. Implementers need comprehensive training to improve the quality of ANC and triple elimination. Suggestions that can be given, especially to pregnant women in this study, are to continue to improve respondents' information and knowledge regarding health knowledge, especially the implementation of the triple elimination program and to always follow this program. This is a suggestion for future researchers to deepen research regarding the influence of education, insight or counseling regarding the triple elimination program for pregnant women on the mother's commitment to participating in the program.
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