The Effect of Correct Breastfeeding Techniques on Breastfeeding Succes for Postpartum Mother at PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital
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Breastfeeding technique is an important factor that influences breast milk production, because if the breastfeeding technique is not correct it can cause sore nipples and make the mother reluctant to breastfeed her baby. Inadequate breastfeeding can cause nutritional deficiencies in babies, and babies are susceptible to disease which ultimately causes the baby's death. The results of the preliminary study showed that there were 10 postpartum mothers; there were 6 multiparous postpartum mothers and 4 primiparous postpartum mothers. 4 primiparous postpartum mothers said they did not know the correct breastfeeding technique, while the results showed that 4 postpartum mothers did not know the correct breastfeeding technique and 2 postpartum mothers knowing the correct breastfeeding technique, from previous breastfeeding experience. 5 multiparous postpartum mothers experienced complaints of sore nipples. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of correct breastfeeding techniques on the success of breastfeeding in postpartum mothers at PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital. This research method applied a pre-experimental approach. The type included non-parametric quantitative research using a one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique used a total sampling of 40 postpartum mothers. The research instrument used the LATCH Score measuring tool. Statistical tests used the Wilcoxon Pairs Test. The most pretest research results were in the fair category namely 36 respondents (90.0%), and the posttest results in the good category namely 32 respondents (80%). It showed that there is an influence of success before and after knowing the correct breastfeeding technique on the success of breastfeeding in postpartum mothers. The conclusion and suggestion of this research is that there is an influence on the success of breastfeeding after knowing the correct breastfeeding technique on the success of postpartum mothers in breastfeeding at PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital, and it is best that the research conducted can increase knowledge about the correct breastfeeding technique on breastfeeding success.
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