The Realitionship Maternal Iron Levels on Low Birth Weight (LBW) Cases in Islamic Hospital of Klaten
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Children's health is closely related to mother's health. The aims of maintaining children's health are to prepare healthy, intelligent, high-quality children for future generations, and reduce the number of child deaths. The Infant Mortality Rate is a crucial indicator to determine the health problems' level, especially children's health in society. Low birth weight (LBW) is a common health problem in communities in developing countries; the most common cause of neonatal death is small babies (very low to low birth weight). This study aimed to determine the relationship among maternal iron levels on low birth weight (LBW) cases in RSU Islam, Klaten. This research is a quantitative correlational study with a case-control approach. The sampling of cases in this study used a total sampling technique with a total sample of 85 respondents, and the data was tested through statistical tests using the Spearman rank test. The results of research using the Spearman rank test show: for maternal iron levels, the results also show that significant relationship with the incidence of LBW (p = 0.00), where mothers who do not have anemia also have a high risk of experiencing LBW. Suggestions for midwives, hopefully, they might provide counseling to prevent preterm labor and manage preterm labor, such as by checking the pregnancy with antenatal care (ANC), which is carried out at least six times.
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