The Description of Pregnant Women’s Knowledge about Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) Examination at The Mlati 1 Primary Health Center Yogyakarta

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Hanifah Yuniarti Mardin (*)
Nuli Nuryanti Zulala

(*) Corresponding Author


HIV and AIDS are viruses that can cause death by attacking the human immune system. By performing VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing) on regularly from the onset of pregnancy, HIV transmission from mother to fetus can be prevented and controlled early on. This study aims to determine the characteristics and pregnant women's knowledge of HIV testing at the Mlati 1 Primary Health Centre in Yogyakarta. This was a quantitative descriptive analysis employing a cross-sectional design. The sampling technique employed accidental sampling with 58 expectant women as the sample. The instrument for measurement utilized a questionnaire with descriptive statistical. The No. 2918/KEP-UNISA/V/2023 ethical statement has been obtained for this study. The results revealed that as many as 29.3% of pregnant women had adequate knowledge about HIV testing, while as many as 63.8% had sufficient knowledge, and as few as 6.9% had inadequate knowledge. It can be concluded that pregnant women's knowledge of HIV testing falls within the sufficient category, at 63.8%. Respondents are expected to increase their understanding of HIV/AIDS and VCT in an effort to reduce the incidence of HIV in Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Mardin, H. Y., & Zulala, N. N. (2023). The Description of Pregnant Women’s Knowledge about Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) Examination at The Mlati 1 Primary Health Center Yogyakarta . Menara Journal of Health Science, 2(4), 537–546. Retrieved from


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